Beny's CV

Beny's CV

Beny's CV

Beny's CV





Web App
Web App
Web App
Web App



Beny's CV Website is a modern, Single Page Application (SPA) designed to showcase the professional portfolio of Beny Dishon. Built using NextJS, this website provides a seamless and interactive experience, allowing potential employers and collaborators to explore Beny's background, skills, and accomplishments in a structured and visually appealing format. The website emphasizes clarity and ease of navigation, with a clean design that reflects Beny's attention to detail and proficiency in web development.

Beny's CV Website is a modern, Single Page Application (SPA) designed to showcase the professional portfolio of Beny Dishon. Built using NextJS, this website provides a seamless and interactive experience, allowing potential employers and collaborators to explore Beny's background, skills, and accomplishments in a structured and visually appealing format. The website emphasizes clarity and ease of navigation, with a clean design that reflects Beny's attention to detail and proficiency in web development.

Beny's CV Website is a modern, Single Page Application (SPA) designed to showcase the professional portfolio of Beny Dishon. Built using NextJS, this website provides a seamless and interactive experience, allowing potential employers and collaborators to explore Beny's background, skills, and accomplishments in a structured and visually appealing format. The website emphasizes clarity and ease of navigation, with a clean design that reflects Beny's attention to detail and proficiency in web development.

The website features a responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing on both desktop and mobile devices. The use of NextJS enhances the performance and SEO capabilities of the site, providing fast load times and a smooth user experience. The interface employs a minimalist aesthetic with a focus on typography and layout, making the information easily accessible and visually engaging. Key sections of the site include an about page, work experiences, education, languages, certifications, and projects.

The website features a responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing on both desktop and mobile devices. The use of NextJS enhances the performance and SEO capabilities of the site, providing fast load times and a smooth user experience. The interface employs a minimalist aesthetic with a focus on typography and layout, making the information easily accessible and visually engaging. Key sections of the site include an about page, work experiences, education, languages, certifications, and projects.

The website features a responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing on both desktop and mobile devices. The use of NextJS enhances the performance and SEO capabilities of the site, providing fast load times and a smooth user experience. The interface employs a minimalist aesthetic with a focus on typography and layout, making the information easily accessible and visually engaging. Key sections of the site include an about page, work experiences, education, languages, certifications, and projects.



Responsive Design Ensures optimal viewing and interaction across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Smooth Scrolling Navigation Provides a seamless experience as users navigate through different sections of the site.

Contact Information Easily accessible contact details, including email, LinkedIn, GitHub, and other relevant links.

Detailed Work Experience In-depth descriptions of Beny's professional roles and achievements, highlighting his expertise and contributions.

Education and Certifications Clear presentation of Beny's academic background and certifications, demonstrating his qualifications and commitment to continuous learning.

Project Showcase A dedicated section for Beny's projects, detailing the technologies used and the impact of his work.

Language Proficiency Highlights Beny's language skills, showcasing his ability to communicate effectively in different languages.

Responsive Design Ensures optimal viewing and interaction across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Smooth Scrolling Navigation Provides a seamless experience as users navigate through different sections of the site.

Contact Information Easily accessible contact details, including email, LinkedIn, GitHub, and other relevant links.

Detailed Work Experience In-depth descriptions of Beny's professional roles and achievements, highlighting his expertise and contributions.

Education and Certifications Clear presentation of Beny's academic background and certifications, demonstrating his qualifications and commitment to continuous learning.

Project Showcase A dedicated section for Beny's projects, detailing the technologies used and the impact of his work.

Language Proficiency Highlights Beny's language skills, showcasing his ability to communicate effectively in different languages.

Responsive Design Ensures optimal viewing and interaction across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Smooth Scrolling Navigation Provides a seamless experience as users navigate through different sections of the site.

Contact Information Easily accessible contact details, including email, LinkedIn, GitHub, and other relevant links.

Detailed Work Experience In-depth descriptions of Beny's professional roles and achievements, highlighting his expertise and contributions.

Education and Certifications Clear presentation of Beny's academic background and certifications, demonstrating his qualifications and commitment to continuous learning.

Project Showcase A dedicated section for Beny's projects, detailing the technologies used and the impact of his work.

Language Proficiency Highlights Beny's language skills, showcasing his ability to communicate effectively in different languages.

Tech Stack


Design Tool


React Framework

Visual Studio Code


Tech Stack


Design Tool


React Framework

Visual Studio Code


Tech Stack


Design Tool


React Framework

Visual Studio Code


Tech Stack


Design Tool


React Framework

Visual Studio Code





View CV

View CV

iPhone displaying the app
iPhone displaying the app
iPhone displaying the app
iPhone displaying the app



Site Page Overview

Beny's CV Website is divided into several key sections, each accessible via smooth scrolling in the Single Page Application:

  1. About: A brief introduction to Beny, highlighting his focus on building products with meticulous attention to detail, along with his location and contact information.

  2. Work Experience: Detailed descriptions of Beny's professional history, including his roles as a Full Stack Developer in freelance projects and as a Frontend Developer at Maxsoft AG.

  3. Education: Information about Beny's academic background, including his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering from the Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science.

  4. Languages: A section listing the languages Beny is proficient in, emphasizing his communication skills.

  5. Certifications: Highlights of Beny's certifications in various technologies and methodologies relevant to full stack development.

  6. Projects: Showcases Beny's significant projects, detailing the technologies used and the outcomes achieved.

Site Page Overview

Beny's CV Website is divided into several key sections, each accessible via smooth scrolling in the Single Page Application:

  1. About: A brief introduction to Beny, highlighting his focus on building products with meticulous attention to detail, along with his location and contact information.

  2. Work Experience: Detailed descriptions of Beny's professional history, including his roles as a Full Stack Developer in freelance projects and as a Frontend Developer at Maxsoft AG.

  3. Education: Information about Beny's academic background, including his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering from the Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science.

  4. Languages: A section listing the languages Beny is proficient in, emphasizing his communication skills.

  5. Certifications: Highlights of Beny's certifications in various technologies and methodologies relevant to full stack development.

  6. Projects: Showcases Beny's significant projects, detailing the technologies used and the outcomes achieved.

Site Page Overview

Beny's CV Website is divided into several key sections, each accessible via smooth scrolling in the Single Page Application:

  1. About: A brief introduction to Beny, highlighting his focus on building products with meticulous attention to detail, along with his location and contact information.

  2. Work Experience: Detailed descriptions of Beny's professional history, including his roles as a Full Stack Developer in freelance projects and as a Frontend Developer at Maxsoft AG.

  3. Education: Information about Beny's academic background, including his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering from the Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science.

  4. Languages: A section listing the languages Beny is proficient in, emphasizing his communication skills.

  5. Certifications: Highlights of Beny's certifications in various technologies and methodologies relevant to full stack development.

  6. Projects: Showcases Beny's significant projects, detailing the technologies used and the outcomes achieved.

Site Page Overview

Beny's CV Website is divided into several key sections, each accessible via smooth scrolling in the Single Page Application:

  1. About: A brief introduction to Beny, highlighting his focus on building products with meticulous attention to detail, along with his location and contact information.

  2. Work Experience: Detailed descriptions of Beny's professional history, including his roles as a Full Stack Developer in freelance projects and as a Frontend Developer at Maxsoft AG.

  3. Education: Information about Beny's academic background, including his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering from the Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science.

  4. Languages: A section listing the languages Beny is proficient in, emphasizing his communication skills.

  5. Certifications: Highlights of Beny's certifications in various technologies and methodologies relevant to full stack development.

  6. Projects: Showcases Beny's significant projects, detailing the technologies used and the outcomes achieved.

All mobile screens of the app
All mobile screens of the app
All mobile screens of the app

Design Decisions

The design of Beny's CV Website centers on simplicity and functionality. The decision to use NextJS was driven by its capabilities in server-side rendering, which improves both performance and SEO. The minimalist design approach ensures that the content remains the focal point, with clear typography and ample white space enhancing readability. The color scheme is subtle, with primary reliance on black, white, and gray tones to maintain a professional appearance. Interactive elements, such as smooth scrolling and responsive layouts, were incorporated to enhance user engagement and accessibility.

Design Decisions

The design of Beny's CV Website centers on simplicity and functionality. The decision to use NextJS was driven by its capabilities in server-side rendering, which improves both performance and SEO. The minimalist design approach ensures that the content remains the focal point, with clear typography and ample white space enhancing readability. The color scheme is subtle, with primary reliance on black, white, and gray tones to maintain a professional appearance. Interactive elements, such as smooth scrolling and responsive layouts, were incorporated to enhance user engagement and accessibility.

Design Decisions

The design of Beny's CV Website centers on simplicity and functionality. The decision to use NextJS was driven by its capabilities in server-side rendering, which improves both performance and SEO. The minimalist design approach ensures that the content remains the focal point, with clear typography and ample white space enhancing readability. The color scheme is subtle, with primary reliance on black, white, and gray tones to maintain a professional appearance. Interactive elements, such as smooth scrolling and responsive layouts, were incorporated to enhance user engagement and accessibility.


Beny's CV Website serves as an excellent example of a professional portfolio built with modern web technologies. The use of NextJS ensures that the site is fast, responsive, and SEO-friendly, while the minimalist design approach keeps the focus on the content. The structured layout and clear presentation of information make it easy for potential employers and collaborators to quickly understand Beny's background, skills, and accomplishments.

Future Development

Looking ahead, there are several potential enhancements that could be made to Beny's CV Website:

  1. Interactive Project Demos: Adding live demos or interactive elements for the showcased projects could provide deeper insights into Beny's capabilities.

  2. Blog Section: Introducing a blog section where Beny can share insights, tutorials, and industry-related content, showcasing his thought leadership and expertise.

  3. Multilingual Support: Expanding the site to support multiple languages, catering to a broader audience and demonstrating Beny's proficiency in different languages.

  4. Dynamic Updates: Implementing a content management system (CMS) to allow Beny to easily update the content, such as new projects, certifications, or work experiences.

  5. Enhanced Animations: Adding subtle animations to enhance the visual appeal and user engagement without compromising the site's performance.

By continuously evolving and improving the website, Beny can ensure that it remains a relevant and powerful tool for showcasing his professional journey and attracting new opportunities.


Beny's CV Website serves as an excellent example of a professional portfolio built with modern web technologies. The use of NextJS ensures that the site is fast, responsive, and SEO-friendly, while the minimalist design approach keeps the focus on the content. The structured layout and clear presentation of information make it easy for potential employers and collaborators to quickly understand Beny's background, skills, and accomplishments.

Future Development

Looking ahead, there are several potential enhancements that could be made to Beny's CV Website:

  1. Interactive Project Demos: Adding live demos or interactive elements for the showcased projects could provide deeper insights into Beny's capabilities.

  2. Blog Section: Introducing a blog section where Beny can share insights, tutorials, and industry-related content, showcasing his thought leadership and expertise.

  3. Multilingual Support: Expanding the site to support multiple languages, catering to a broader audience and demonstrating Beny's proficiency in different languages.

  4. Dynamic Updates: Implementing a content management system (CMS) to allow Beny to easily update the content, such as new projects, certifications, or work experiences.

  5. Enhanced Animations: Adding subtle animations to enhance the visual appeal and user engagement without compromising the site's performance.

By continuously evolving and improving the website, Beny can ensure that it remains a relevant and powerful tool for showcasing his professional journey and attracting new opportunities.


Beny's CV Website serves as an excellent example of a professional portfolio built with modern web technologies. The use of NextJS ensures that the site is fast, responsive, and SEO-friendly, while the minimalist design approach keeps the focus on the content. The structured layout and clear presentation of information make it easy for potential employers and collaborators to quickly understand Beny's background, skills, and accomplishments.

Future Development

Looking ahead, there are several potential enhancements that could be made to Beny's CV Website:

  1. Interactive Project Demos: Adding live demos or interactive elements for the showcased projects could provide deeper insights into Beny's capabilities.

  2. Blog Section: Introducing a blog section where Beny can share insights, tutorials, and industry-related content, showcasing his thought leadership and expertise.

  3. Multilingual Support: Expanding the site to support multiple languages, catering to a broader audience and demonstrating Beny's proficiency in different languages.

  4. Dynamic Updates: Implementing a content management system (CMS) to allow Beny to easily update the content, such as new projects, certifications, or work experiences.

  5. Enhanced Animations: Adding subtle animations to enhance the visual appeal and user engagement without compromising the site's performance.

By continuously evolving and improving the website, Beny can ensure that it remains a relevant and powerful tool for showcasing his professional journey and attracting new opportunities.

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Beny Dishon © 2024

Beny Dishon © 2024

Beny Dishon © 2024